






鲍杰,工学博士,教授、博士生导师。南京理工大学学士学位、浙江大学硕士学位、日本国立山口大学博士学位,上海市浦江计划学者。先后在中石化、日本冈山大学、美国加州大学戴维斯分校从事研究工作。2006年至今任职华东理工大学生物工程学院和生物反应器工程国家重点实验室。作为课题负责人主持了973、863、国家自然科学基金课题,以及中石油等工业应用课题数十项。现任SCI期刊Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology副主编、Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining和Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering编委、Springer和Elsevier学术期刊客座编辑,亚洲生物技术联合会生物能源与生物炼制分会理事,生物反应器工程国家重点实验室副主任。作为秘书长或共同主席组织了亚洲生物技术大会、生物过程与生物技术国际研讨会等多次国际学术会议。



1. 纤维素生物质合成聚乳酸等生物聚合物、生物航煤等液体燃料的工程微生物细胞工厂合成生物学;

2. 超级生物炼制微生物的发现、进化、代谢工程改造,以及工程化底盘微生物合成关键生物基产品;

3. 先进生物炼制过程工程及其计算机模拟。


1997-2001 工学博士,日本国立山口大学生物工学专业

1995-1997 工学硕士,浙江大学化学反应工程专业

1980-1984 工学学士,南京理工大学化学工程专业

1984-1994 中石化齐鲁石化研究院工程师、课题组长

2001-2002 日本国立冈山大学工学部客座研究员

2002-2006 美国加州大学戴维斯分校生物化学工程中心博士后研究员

2006-至今  华东理工大学生物工程学院、生物反应器工程国家重点实验室教授、博士生导师






1. Niling He, Jia Jia, Zhongyang Qiu, Chun Fang, Gunnar Lidén, Xiucai Liu, Jie Bao*. Cyclic L-lactide synthesis from lignocellulose biomass by biorefining with complete inhibitor removal and highly simultaneous sugars assimilation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2022, 119:1903–1915. (Cover Image)

2. Ci Jin, Jing Li, Zhen Huang, Xushen Han, Jie Bao*. Engineering Corynebacterium glutamicum for synthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from lignocellulose biomass. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2022, 119:1598–1613.

3. Qi Liu, Mingping Lu, Ci Jin, Weiliang Hou, Liao Zhao, Jie Bao*. Ultra-centrifugation force in adaptive evolution changes the cell structure of oleaginous yeast Trichosporon cutaneumin to a favorable space for lipid accumulation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2022, 119:1509–1521.

4. Ying-Ying Xu, Ke-Jun Hua, Zhen Huang, Ping-Ping Zhou, Jing-Bai Wen, Ci Jin, Jie Bao*. Cellulosic hydrocarbons production by engineering dual synthesis pathways in Corynebacterium glutamicum. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts, 2022, 15:29.

5. Bin Zhang, Faryal Ahemed, Baorui Zhan, Jie Bao*. Transformation of lignocellulose to starch‐like carbohydrates by organic acid-catalyzed pretreatment and biological detoxification. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2021, 118:4105-4118.

6. Bin Zhang, Baorui Zhan, Jie Bao*. Reframing biorefinery processing chain of corn fiber for cellulosic ethanol production. Industrial Crops & Products, 2021, 170:113791.

7. Tao Han, Bin Zhang, Hongxing Li, Hongsen Zhang, Yongfu Yang, Lizhen Hu, Xiaodong Ren, Shipeng Wang, Lixiang Zheng, Xushen Han, Gang Liu, Jian Zhang, Qiang Fei, Yueqin Tang, Shihui Yang, Xiaoming Bao, Jie Bao*. Year-round storage operation of three major agricultural crop residue biomass by operating dry acid pretreatment at regional collection depots. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9:4722-4739.

8. Ci Jin, Jie Bao*. Lysine production by dry biorefining of wheat straw and co-fermentation of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69:1900-1906.

9. Zhao Yan, Jian Zhang, Jie Bao*. Increasing cellulosic ethanol production by enhancing phenolic tolerance of Zymomonas mobilis in adaptive evolution. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 329:124926.

10. Ci Jin, Zhen Huang, Jie Bao*. High-titer glutamic acid production from lignocellulose using an engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum with simultaneous coutilization of xylose and glucose. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8:6315-6322.

11. Zhongyang Qiu, Chun Fang, Qiuqiang Gao, Jie Bao*. A short-chain dehydrogenase plays a key role in cellulosic D-lactic acid fermentability of Pediococcus acidilactici. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 297:122473.

12. Niling He, Chun Fang, Zhongyang Qiu, Jie Bao*. Increasing sodium lactate production by enhancement of Na+ transmembrane transportation in Pediococcus acidilactici. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 323:124562.

13. Lixiang Zheng, Xushen Han, Tao Han, Gang Liu, Jie Bao*. Formulating a fully converged biorefining chain with zero wastewater generation by recycling stillage liquid to dry acid pretreatment operation. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 318:124077.

14. Zhao Yan, Xiaochuang Gao, Qiuqiang Gao, Jie Bao*. Mechanism of tolerance to the lignin-derived inhibitor p-benzoquinone and metabolic modification of biorefinery fermentation strains. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 2019, 85:e01443-19.

15. Pingping Zhou, Ruimiao Yao, Hongsen Zhang, Jie Bao*. Unique glucose oxidation catalysis of Gluconobacter oxydans constitutes an efficient cellulosic gluconic acid fermentation free of inhibitory compounds disturbance. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2019, 116:2191-2199.

16. Xia Yi, Qiuqiang Gao, Lei Zhang, Xia Wang, Yanqing He, Fengxian Hu, Jian Zhang, Gen Zou, Shihui Yang, Zhihua Zhou*, Jie Bao*. Heterozygous diploid structure of Amorphotheca resinae ZN1 contributes efficient biodetoxification on solid pretreated corn stover. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2019, 12:126.

17. Jingbai Wen, Jie Bao*. Engineering Corynebacterium glutamicum triggers glutamic acid accumulation in biotin rich corn stover hydrolysate. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2019, 12:86.

18. Ci Jin, Weiliang Hou, Ruimiao Yao, Pingping Zhou, Hongsen Zhang, Jie Bao*. Adaptive evolution of Gluconobacter oxydans accelerates the conversion rate of non-glucose sugars derived from lignocellulose biomass. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 289:121623.

19. Xushen Han, Li Li, Chengxiang Wei, Jian Zhang, Jie Bao*. Rich vitamins B in lignocellulose biomass facilitates L-lactic acid fermentation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67:7082-7086.

20. Gang Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongxing Li, Abdul Sattar Qurishi, Jian Zhang, Xiaoming Bao*, Jie Bao*. Dry biorefining maximizes the potentials of simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation for cellulosic ethanol production. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2018, 115, 60-69.

21. Hanqi Gu, Ruixin An, Jie Bao*. Pretreatment refining leads to constant particle size distribution of lignocellulose biomass in enzymatic hydrolysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 352:198-205.

22. Jingbai Wen, Yanqiu Xiao, Ting Liu, Qiuqiang Gao, Jie Bao*. Rich biotin content in lignocellulose biomass plays the key role in determining cellulosic glutamic acid accumulation by Corynebacterium glutamicum. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2018, 11:132.

23. Xushen Han, Jie Bao*. General method on correcting the fluctuation of acid based pretreatment efficiency of lignocellulose for highly efficient bioconversion. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6(3):4212-4219.

24. Xushen Han, Feng Hong, Gang Liu, Jie Bao*. An approach of utilizing water soluble carbohydrates in lignocellulose feedstock for promotion of cellulosic L-lactic acid production. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66:10225-10232.

25. Jian Zhang*, Cheng Lei, Gang Liu, Yanwen Bao, Venkatesh Balan*, Jie Bao*. In-situ vacuum distillation of ethanol helps to recycle cellulase and yeast during SSF of delignified corncob residues. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5:11676-11685.

26. Weiliang Hou, Lang Li, Jie Bao*. Oxygen transfer in high solids loading and highly viscous lignocellulose hydrolysates. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5:11395-11402.

27. Abdul Sattar Qureshi, Jian Zhang*, Leonardo da Costa Sousa*, Jie Bao*. An antibacterial peptide secreted by Pediococcus acidilactici enables efficient cellulosic open L-lactic acid fermentation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5:9254-9262.

28. Ruimiao Yao, Weiliang Hou, Jie Bao*. Complete oxidative conversion of lignocellulose derived non-glucose sugars to sugar acids by Gluconobacter oxydans.Bioresource Technology, 2017, 244:1188-1192.

29. Gang Liu, Jie Bao*. Maximizing cellulosic ethanol potentials by minimizing wastewater generation and energy consumption: Competing with corn ethanol. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 245:18-26.

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